I wanted to talk a little about "Not wanting to go into the past" or "I am ok about that old event now' which I often hear from clients. In PSYCH-K somethings it asks that we do a de-stress or belief work on an event or situation that we think "as an adult" that we have dealt with and healed. We think this because we haven't thought about it for the last 10-20 years. Or we have done some work on it, so believe it is completely sorted meaning it is having no impact on our daily life. I have huge trust in PSYCH-K as it is a tool to communicate with your subconscious mind with the ability to change beliefs and issues at a deep core level. The subconscious mind records everything about your life from day dot. The subconscious mind knows EVERYTHING about the events, beliefs. and emotions you hold. If an event or situation comes up in a session, that they may think is irrelevant I always ask my clients to stay open and curious. It does not mean that the work you have done on the event or situation didn't work, it just means that there is an aspect of the event or situation that is still causing stress in your body and life. What this means is that it is controlling your life at some level whether you are aware of it or not. When we choose not to revisit old pains and struggles it means that we have made a decision to try not to think about it. BUT in not wanting to think about it means we already are living in that old pain and struggle as with resistance we must put focus on that, consciously or unconsciously. Our nervous system will be on alert to keep us safe. This means that daily we are actually living from that pain or struggle at some level. Yes to look at ourselves is brave and hard work. If there is one thing that "doing the work" allows us to see about ourself, it is that we are OK and normal and how liberating is it to see ourselves as whole and not broken. I think we all deserve to take this journey. Actually I think we owe it to ourselves. Changing beliefs for myself has allowed me to not only know that the universe is a friendly and safe place but that I am good enough, I am loveable and that I matter. And this has allowed me to be FREE. Free to be me .Free to be whomever I choose. xx
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Jacky AbbottTransformation Facilitator, PSYCH-K Advanced Facilitator & Search
October 2023