Yes our bodies hold old memories as stuck, gooey emotions.
Have you ever wondered what happened to the pain, anger and shame you felt after a distressing and disturbing event. Or the pain and shock in going through a divorce, or the scarring and terrifying impact from an accident. All these feelings and emotions put us into a state of stress. When we are in a state of stress and fear, we also have doubt. We have lots of questions and alot of these questions go unanswered. Fear contracts our bodies and we are in the fight and flight response. We store the emotions or the events safetly into the organs and muscles of our body thinking that they will help us to stay alert and aware so that we never have to go through that kind of event again. Unfortunately it means that we are now carrying around baggage that holds us stuck in the past. I was reminded of exactly this today as in a session with a healer she reminded me that we are slowly going back in time, clearing out each event and emotion as we go. This also means that our bodies need some time to adjust and grow in a new way. If you have old events and emotions lingering, I encourage you to take some time to work with a healer, who can slowly and gently help you to clear out the old events so you may move forward feeling free and happy. When we get out of flight and fight our bodies can do amazing things but firstly we must get into the parasympathetic state of rest and relaxation.
The words that you say and the thoughts that you think create your reality.
We talk all day long and if we aren't then we sure are having a million thoughts in our heads. I never use to even think about what I said, I certainly didn't think that what I said would be making any difference in my life. For me it was more the way I spoke to myself in my head like I'm not good enough or thats too hard. We think it doesn't matter what or how we talk to ourselves but really would you talk to a friend that way? Start to really listen to yourself and pull yourself up when you hear the judgement or critzism you are telling yourself. Its your choice, you can change it now. Change the I am not good enough into I am getting so much better at that, or I am proud of you, lets try again. Choice to change your reality by changing the way you talk to yourself or others. Jacky x Ok here goes......
I have known for ages that I get this shaky feeling inside me the minute I think about putting my true thoughts and feelings into writing. Maybe you also know this feeling. Why? Because it is easier to stay small. I am scared of hurting others by my words I really don't want to deal with conflict. I might have it all wrong. No one else might think the same way as me. I might be ostracized. Others might talk about me. What I write may not make sense to anyone else. Wow really!!! Yes this feels really true for me and it may for you too. Is this the truth? No and I know that but at some level in my subconscious mind I have a memory or feeling that tells me it is unsafe for me to write my thoughts for others to read. I don't know what this memory is but what I do know is how I feel when I go to write. This feeling has been with me for a while. It has been a gift by helping me to stay safe and protected but it is no longer helping me, if anything it is holding me stuck in fear and doubt. So as I will look at what beliefs I can balance to make this an easier journey, allowing "that feeling" to sit back and relax when I wish to write. Heres some beliefs that I would like to have to support me on my journey.
Maybe make some of your own enhancing beliefs to live by. If you need help, let me know. We often make a story up about ourselves that at some stage kept us safe and protected but as we grow older, these stories no longer help or support us. Yes we can push through but by changing the limiting belief into supportive ones it allows our journey forward to be easier, smoother and faster. I encourage you to choose a fear or doubt that you may feel and come up with some powerful, juicy and supportive beliefs to help you take that next step. cheers Jackyx How long will this journey take?
I hear this all the time. How long will it take to be successful? How long will it take to feel happy and healthy? How long will it take to get out of debt? How long will it take to have a loving relationship? How long will it take to have a life I may love? The answer is I don't know. We all have different backgrounds. We've all had different experiences. We all have different fears and doubts. What I do guarantee is we will work as fast as your body will allow. What I do believe is that whatever goal you set for yourself is achievable. If you are prepared to do the work and are prepared to work on yourself. I am sure you will succeed if you are prepared to work on yourself. And of course getting coaching will help to speed up that process. Having a coach or facilitator you trust is important so you can go as deep as you like or as shallow as you like, to get the results. A facilitator understands where you are coming from and where you want to go. A true coach believes in you and is there to support and nurture your journey so you can take the next step. Do you feel like you are running towards your goals and dreams but just never seem to get there? Clearly something is holding you back. Chances are you are blocked by limiting beliefs you don't even know you have.
What is a limiting belief? A belief is something you believe to be true about yourself and the world around you. Beliefs are mostly gained before the age of 7 from parents, friends, teachers at school and cultures. These subconscious views run our day to day lives and create our potential to be successful or a failure, to be happy or unhappy, healthy, rich or poor. You mostly wont now what beliefs you are holding onto that are limiting you without taking a little time to access you life. Beliefs become so automatic, they are just normal speech like, sorry I can't do that, I don't have enough money. Areas to look at is Relationships: Look how you interact with people. Do you feel like you belong? Do you feel loved and lovable? Health: Do you believe you are worthy of good health? Are you always feeling like you have no energy? Money: When you were growing up were you told, we dont have money for fun adventures, so you learnt how to save, BUT when do you spend money on yourself Self Love and Care: Are you a fantastic carer and it feels like you get so much from looking after people but you are exhausted and dont take time out for yourself? Steps to take to move out of been stuck into clarity and happiness. When you feel like you are blocked, ask yourself, What do I really believe about myself that could be attracting this situation? Say to yourself, I am willing to release the need to_________(be lonely or disrespected etc) If there is something that will change your life fast, it is changing old limiting beliefs into supporting, loving ones. You came as a powerful being.
You came as a lover not a hater. You came to expect good of yourself. BUT You have become so use to expecting negativity that you have come to expect that as a lifestyle. Lets move on..... Care about what you THINK. Care about what you FEEL. Care so so much about the way you feel. I want you to become so particular about what you feel, just as much as what you feel about what you eat. I don't hear you say I don't like that food but I will go back for more anyway. So don't keep going back for more thoughts that you don't like. Find the feelings and thoughts that taste good. Care about it. Make it a priority. Lotsaluv Jx What was I diagnosed with.......nothing really. Yes my thyroid test showed I was out of balance, I had gallstones and my CK enzyme test was high. CT scans, MRI, blood tests and ultra scan results always said the same thing, CONCLUSION - Normal How did I feel? Like crap, with a list of symptoms to fill up an A4 page. Some being exhaustion, weight gain, unmotivated, foggy brain, 2 hour sleep a night, beginnings of a cataract, and niggly side pain. As I said there was nothing majorly wrong. Maybe its just part of getting older? BUT this is NOT normal. This is not how we need to live our daily lives just because it is showing as NORMAL. Sadly it's become normal to drag ourselves out of bed each day. To put one foot in front of another to get through and to collapse at the end of the day exhausted. Its become so automatic to live our life like this that at times we don't even notice how life has become. I believe that wellness and healing comes in many shapes and forms that can look like exercise, healthy eating, changing mindset, resolving emotional issues, time out and doing what you love most. I specialise in changing mindset and releasing emotions so that is one of the first things I work with. MINDSET is the KEY to CHANGE What have I learn't from looking deep into how we think?
Our thoughts will stop all healing if they are working against us. We have over 50000 thoughts in a day, which means over 35 thoughts per minute, so its important to have them as your friend and on our side supporting us. FOOD as LOVE Food is an important fuel for our body. It is a way to nourish and nurture our body. Its a form of giving love back to ourselves. "Nutrients are the nourishing substances in food that are essential for the growth, development and maintenance of body functions." - Perspectives in Nutrition, Wardlow and Insel In other words, nutrients give our bodies instructions about how to function. Its information for the body. Instead of viewing food as the enemy, w can look to food as a way to create health and reduce disease by helping the body maintain function. If there was no such thing as disease just dysfunction, imagine how we could look towards food, health and our bodies quite differently. I have been most grateful to Morley Robbins, the founder of The Magnesium Advocacy Group and the Root Cause Protocol for all his long hours of research into what is at the base of all dysfunction in our bodies. What have I learn't from doing the Root Cause Protocol?
The two things I have learn't is BEIEVE IN YOURSELF. When we get to the end of this life, whether you are a cleaner, truck driver or CEO you will lay to rest beside each other. There is no status, we are all the same. No matter what you do believe it is right for you, we do not need to satisfy anyone else's dreams or desires. Believe in yourself because you exist. LOVE YOURSELF, yes thats right, love yourself. Go for a walk because you love yourself enough to just do it, not because someone says its good for your health, or it will make you fit. Take a job because it fulfils you, take a holiday because you just want to spend time with loved ones or because you want to have a break for you, not because you've heard, if I work hard I need to have a break, DO IT JUST BECAUSE YOU VALUE YOURSELF ENOUGH TO DO IT! Start making NORMAL look how you wish it to look. Thanks for listening. Jacky What do you enjoy the most about YOURSELF? What lights you up when you think about doing it? Sometimes your passions can be the obvious place to start. Sometimes we have no idea what lights us up. So then lets start with first looking at how you enjoy spending your time the best. Make a list of twenty activities that you would like to do or at least try. They could include going for a walk, dancing, meeting people or surfing. Just dont forget to add passions that youve let go of. What was your preferred activities as a child? Perhaps you played a musical instrument or danced or played a sport. What we are looking for is what lights you up and gives you a joyous feeling inside. It makes you feel good. There can be many goodies from our childhood that we loved doing that you have now put to the side because of responsibilities of work, looking after a family or just no time. Life takes over. Life becomes automatic and before we realise it we feel stuck in a job that doesn't inspire us or a relationship that has gone stale. This is a sure sign that your soul wants and needs to be lite up. I have just finished writing a list of 100 things I want to do this year. Yes it took me several hours to complete but I wanted a little more direction towards joy and fun and adventure. Also when you write things down you are more likely to take the action. Remember we do write our own life stories! It is easy for us to think that when we get sick it is bad.
That it is against us. We think that disease is something we need to fight! What if a disease came into our lives as a friend. To give us a message, to let us know that there is something in our life that is out of balance. I know it could be hard to get your head around! Disease can be held by positive beliefs. An example of a positive belief holding an illness in place could be that at a subconscious level you think that the disease will bring people, friends and family closer and you are loved and nurtured because of that. In keeping the disease we feel loved and nurtured. To release the illness at a subconscious level this person would need to know and understand that they can be surrounded by loving and nurturing people, family and friends and are loved and nurtured without the disease. This can be the case with disease, injury or negative programmes. Its important to know how and why the disease or challenge is serving you in the first place. ASK YOURSELF:
Jacky AbbottTransformation Facilitator, PSYCH-K Advanced Facilitator & Search
October 2023