It is easy for us to think that when we get sick it is bad.
That it is against us. We think that disease is something we need to fight! What if a disease came into our lives as a friend. To give us a message, to let us know that there is something in our life that is out of balance. I know it could be hard to get your head around! Disease can be held by positive beliefs. An example of a positive belief holding an illness in place could be that at a subconscious level you think that the disease will bring people, friends and family closer and you are loved and nurtured because of that. In keeping the disease we feel loved and nurtured. To release the illness at a subconscious level this person would need to know and understand that they can be surrounded by loving and nurturing people, family and friends and are loved and nurtured without the disease. This can be the case with disease, injury or negative programmes. Its important to know how and why the disease or challenge is serving you in the first place. ASK YOURSELF:
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Jacky AbbottTransformation Facilitator, PSYCH-K Advanced Facilitator & Search
October 2023