Connection and touch are some of the most important elements of life.
You know shit happens in life and it is so damn easy to feel lost and alone unless you have a solid support group around you. Even then, you can still feel alone and empty. What amazes me the most is that when you feel empty inside it does not matter what someone says or does, it still doesn't change that feeling. This feeling is driven from beliefs like, I am not good enough, I am not worthy and I have no value. You see as we experience life the environment around us gives us information about ourselves. How you fit in. Whether you are loved or important. You assume what you see happening is true about you, but it isn't. Yes it is true the event happened but its not the truth that you are not good enough. So how do you come back from this? You must dive inside yourself, you must look and find the truth about who you really are. Journalling is a great morning practise to download your thoughts and feelings onto paper and often we get clarity in the process. Finding a practitioner who deals with emotional issues and limiting thoughts helps you bit by bit to see you are so much more than you have been thinking. Fascia release work also helps to release old stuck emotions which actually restrict movement in our bodies. Get outside into the fresh air and nature. Breathe in and out of your heart whilst thinking of a beautiful beach or mountain scene. Do this for 30 seconds daily. It helps the heart to release stress. Do not be afraid to ask for help. If I can help, please give me a call. Much love Jacky
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The More You Create a Life You Love The Happier You Are Stop believing everything you think and feel Beliefs are information based on past experiences Your limiting beliefs are based on unmet childhood needs, which is why you feel bad when you think of them They make you feel like there is something wrong with you and you need to be fixed You can buy into this illusion or not The choice is yours You can choose whether to think you don't belong and are alone You can choose whether you think that you are sick and nothing will change You can choose whether you think that you never have enough and live in scarcity You can choose whether you think you are abundant You can choose whether you think you are surrounded by the most loving and supportive community When you start to believe that you are the centre of your world and the power is in your choice your reality shifts You start to question and be aware of your thoughts and feelings You start to feel happier You start to be a creator And you start to get what you want Where you place your attention is exactly what you will manifest in your life. However what you think you are focused on is not what you are wanting! You see between you and your dream holiday or house or relationship is a ton of limiting beliefs which just want to keep you safe.. These limiting beliefs are nicely tucked away in your subconscious mind just doing as they are told. So if you believe you don't belong you will go out into the world seeking identity - "Who am I?" Your focus would be on finding a holiday, house or relationship where you feel that you belong. "Where is my place." So let's get back to focus and say you want to manifest a relationship. I would suggest that as much as you want a beautiful, loving, harmonious relationship your focus from the limiting belief "I don't belong", would be directing you to look and find a place where you feel like you belong. Your focus is on this issue but not on a beautiful, loving and harmonious relationship. To manifest we must change our focus and come from our heart center, our creative self and go for the beautiful, loving and harmonious relationship leaving the limiting beliefs behind. What does this feel like? For me it feels very peaceful and exciting. It means you can manifest from a place where there is nothing wrong with you. You are whole and complete just as you are. You have all the tools, skills, knowledge and experience that you would ever need and honestly there is nothing wrong with you. Starting to take the power out of the fear based limiting belief agendas and putting the power in your heart is the most important thing you can do. Re focus. For the new to emerge, the old must die. If you really want to change you have to let go of your old story and free yourself up to follow your heart. Only then will you have a new foundation from which to create. x There is usually more than one aspect of life that needs balance to have and maintain an abundance of health and wellbeing. It may be easy to think that if I take this pill, whether it be a natural supplement or a pill from your doctor that it is going to sort all your problems. The truth is that it can be a winding road of discovery. Kelly Turner in her book, Radical Remission gives her findings from a study on over a thousand cases the astounding insights of nine key factors that she found among nearly every Radical Remission survivor. You can put these practices to work in your own life. -Radically Changing Your Diet (What are you eating?) -Taking Control of Your Health (taking an active role in your health, being willing to make changes in your life, and being able to deal with resistance) - Following Your Intuition (listen to your inner voice) - Using Herbs and Supplements (Using plant-based herbs and supplements that boost your immune system) - Releasing Suppressed Emotions ( Explore and resolve suppressed emotions from your past that is impacting your physical body) - Increasing Positive Emotions (When we are happy and loving, our physical bodies are flooded with immune fighting cells. Our lives are free of stress and worry, and our social and work relationships improve.) - Embracing Social Support (We are social creatures by nature, we need each other to survive. Support and touch are important to be well) - Deepening Your Spiritual Connection (Explore the idea that there is a connection possible to a deeper or higher energy) - Having Strong Reasons for Living (A strong core of Yes I want to keep living to see this, do this, be this) The above 9 steps empower you to be the driver of your own life and your own health and wellbeing. Grab it today I wanted to talk a little about "Not wanting to go into the past" or "I am ok about that old event now' which I often hear from clients. In PSYCH-K somethings it asks that we do a de-stress or belief work on an event or situation that we think "as an adult" that we have dealt with and healed. We think this because we haven't thought about it for the last 10-20 years. Or we have done some work on it, so believe it is completely sorted meaning it is having no impact on our daily life. I have huge trust in PSYCH-K as it is a tool to communicate with your subconscious mind with the ability to change beliefs and issues at a deep core level. The subconscious mind records everything about your life from day dot. The subconscious mind knows EVERYTHING about the events, beliefs. and emotions you hold. If an event or situation comes up in a session, that they may think is irrelevant I always ask my clients to stay open and curious. It does not mean that the work you have done on the event or situation didn't work, it just means that there is an aspect of the event or situation that is still causing stress in your body and life. What this means is that it is controlling your life at some level whether you are aware of it or not. When we choose not to revisit old pains and struggles it means that we have made a decision to try not to think about it. BUT in not wanting to think about it means we already are living in that old pain and struggle as with resistance we must put focus on that, consciously or unconsciously. Our nervous system will be on alert to keep us safe. This means that daily we are actually living from that pain or struggle at some level. Yes to look at ourselves is brave and hard work. If there is one thing that "doing the work" allows us to see about ourself, it is that we are OK and normal and how liberating is it to see ourselves as whole and not broken. I think we all deserve to take this journey. Actually I think we owe it to ourselves. Changing beliefs for myself has allowed me to not only know that the universe is a friendly and safe place but that I am good enough, I am loveable and that I matter. And this has allowed me to be FREE. Free to be me .Free to be whomever I choose. xx To love life, to love it even
when you have no stomach for it and everything you've held dear crumbles like burnt paper in your hands, your throat filled with the silt of it. When grief sits with you, its tropical heat thickening the air, heavy as water more fit for gills than lungs: when grief weights you like your own flesh only more of it, an obesity of grief, your think, How can a body withstand this? Then you hold life like a face between your palms plain face, no charming smile, no violet eyes, and you say, yes I will take you I will love you, again. We are feed so much information about needing to be positive.
To think positive thoughts. To look at your life through a lens of positivity. Now don't get me wrong, the more we are able to live life from a place of peace and love, the more we will attract that into our lives and the more our reality will change to reflect that. BUT that does not mean that the bad and ugly is to be forced to hide and is best to be covered up. No matter what is happening in our lives it is not a good idea to squash all the negative emotions and thoughts down or to think that we are healed if I only think loving peaceful thoughts. This is a time bomb waiting to explode! To heal, grow and expand our lives into seeing and been more positive, means we must also accept and fully love the bad and ugly. Yes LOVE it till it feels accepted and fully loved. Not always easy I know. Fully loving a situation does not mean you will have it for life but instead means that you love it till it is accepted just the way it is and then it no longer has a place in your life. It means it can then go and you can create great stuff. Give it a try. Choose something you don't like like an ache in your body or a boss who drives you crazy or having no energy. And every day when you think about love it a little more, imagine that you just love it for what it is, no matter what. You may find you have lots of mind chatter that says this is rubbish, or it won't heal if I Fully Love it but I encourage you to give it a try for 30 days. cheers Jacky You may wish that life was smooth sailing and that everything goes exactly as you wish and nothing gets in the way of your happiness.
As idea as this sounds it is the ups and downs of life that help us learn and grow. For example, we usually don't give serious thought to our physical condition when we are savoring healthy and vital living. But this doesn't mean we should consider illness simply as the enemy of well-being and write it off as the source of misery and suffering in life, because we can actually find positive meaning in illness. Let us consider why we become sick. If we look back and contemplate a series of events that may have led us to illness we will see that there is always an early stage or a preliminary period before we develop an illness. This is when we see a sign that something is wrong with our physical body. We start to feel like we are coming down with something. We may feel pain, nausea, or other symptoms that prevent us from doing what we usually do. In a sense this is nature's way of telling us to rest and recuperate when we are at the brink of collapse. If always healthy, we would take it for granted and keep working until we dropped. So one positive role that illness plays in our lives is that it keeps us alive when we burn out. Illness forces us to temporarily stop working and rest so we can live out our life and fulfill our true purpose in this world. Illness can save and extend life by giving us time to recuperate. If we never fell ill, we might push ourselves beyond the limit and leave this world before our time. By forcing us to rest we undergo a period of recuperation, physical ailments serve as precautions against life-threatening damage to our body. This period of recuperation brings us alot more benefits than just physical rest. When we become sick, we become introspective: we take the time to look within and reflect on our thoughts and feelings. We often neglect to look inward when we become busy with our social lives or preoccupied with external achievement. We're at special risk when the goal of our life becomes getting ahead in a competitive society. This leaves us no room to care about anything else, and we start to adopt a falsely positive attitude and judge everything by outward results. Failures and setbacks, either at work or in health, await them at some point in life to serve as catalysts to help them find their true self. A section from Ryuho Okawa's book Invincible Thinking |
Jacky AbbottTransformation Facilitator, PSYCH-K Advanced Facilitator & Search
October 2023